The FED_kit is composed by three boards:

  1.     Generic III, a short PCI board (64-bit @ 33 or 66 MHz) able to fulfill many applications (Schematic ; Document)
  2.     LVDS transmitter, a PMC able to transmit 64-bit up to 60 MHz through a LVDS cable (max. 15 meters). (Schematic ;  Document)
  3.     LVDS merger, a PMC that can receive up to two LVDS links. (Schematic; Document)


To help the design of the interface with the FED-kit read this document (fed-kit_rules.pdf)

The Generic III is build around one FPGA that works as a switch between four ports (PCI, SDRAM, Flash memory and ~100 IO's). As its name said, the board is a generic one. You can find below multiple application and their documents (for Quartus software).

  1. FED_kit Stand alone (Quartus)   23 Jan 2003
  2. FED emulator (Quartus)             23 Jan 2003
  3. FED_kit Merger (Quartus)          23 Jan 2003

 Some parts of design are now available : SDRAM controller, PCI core, PCI-x core (if you need some help contact me. Those designs are examples and have to be adapted to your design.


Here by clicking on the corresponding picture, you will find the last version to be downloaded on the GIII or CMC board according the design that you want to use, Fed emulator (Able to generate events on board or received them from PCI be send on the SLink interface), Merger (Receive events from SLink and write them to PC memory with the Fed-kit protocol).

clic on the picture to choose the board to be updated


     Merger (FRL)

If you want to use the Stand Alone version clic here. With this version, you will be able to work with the fed-kit without using a cable. Events and FED-KIT design will works on the same board (GIII board). To do this you have to unplugged any CMC board (GIII alone)

Fed-kit Sofware HAL Software XDAQ software


- S_Link specifications (PDF)

- S_link64 specifications (PDF)

LECC Colmar workshop presentation  , Paper (doc), Paper (PDF)

Any comments can be send to